C055 | Emotional Quotient: The Secret Behind Success

  • Room: R4 Second floor
  • Session Number: C055
Tuesday, January 24, 2023: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM


Scott Bricker
EDU Changemaker
Awefull Learning
Sallee Clark
Innovation Leader, Author, & EdTech Consultant
Castleberry ISD
Lead Presenter
Mario Herraez-Velazquez
Global Educator & International Speaker
eTwinz Education
Lead Presenter
Alberto Herraez-Velazquez
Co-Founder eTwinz Education
eTwinz Education
Jeni Long
Innovation Leader, EdTech Consultant & Speaker
Castleberry ISD


Just as important as the curriculum, content and standards you implement in your classroom, addressing the SEL needs of your students may even be a more critical instigator & accurate indicator of true student success. As K–12 educators seek ways to help students develop social-emotional skills, they are finding that some of the same tools they use in modern learning environments can also facilitate collaboration, empathy and soft skills needed to succeed in their educational and professional careers. Integrated classroom technologies such as using collaboration platforms, artificial intelligence, personalized learning, 1to1 devices, and videoconferencing platforms have made it easier for teachers to create teachable moments around the key SEL competencies. Additionally, we diss discuss how virtual and augmented reality gives students a chance to practice SEL skills to raise awareness of bias and improve skills, such as empathy and collaboration.



  • Concurrent Session (45 minutes)
  • PK-12
  • Leadership